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Introduction to Technical General

Check out what this course includes...

Here's what you get...

    Taught to you directly by Capt. Naha Thakare...
    Detailed online ON DEMAND course including the following..
    a. Basic Aerodynamics
    b. Jet Engines
    c. Piston Engines
    d. Aircraft Systems
    e. Electrics
  • Question Banks,  Practice Questions & Most asked questions in DGCA Exams.
  • A complete understanding of concepts.
  • Computer Number Assistance & Class 2, Class 1 Medical Guidance (if required)
  • Capt. Neha Thakare as your mentor for your pilot career.
  • A complete done for you SYSTEM  for you to be successful in your exams.

Special Features of CNTAA 

- Proven program for success not only to excel in DGCA Exams but also throughout Aviation career.

- Hard Copies of notes shipped right to your address.


- LIVE SESSIONS for doubts & student rostering (scheduling).

- Personal contact for doubts

- Explanation of each type of problem after every chapter.

- Mock tests before exams.

& everything required for success in DGCA Exams


Become a part of CNTAA community. Join the path to a successful pilot career. All that's mentioned above will be your's immediately on your enrolment.

Course curriculum

    1. We're excited to present you the all new course for your success in the DGCA Exams : Technical General

    1. Introduction to Aerodynamics

    2. Forces on an Aeroplane

    3. Definitions | What is called what!!!!!

    4. Definitions 2 | "yep, those are important" DGCA said so..

    5. Terminologies | "so that you can talk like a pilot" 👩🏻‍✈️🧑🏻‍✈️

    6. Terminologies 2

    7. Terminologies 3

    8. Terminologies 4

    9. Terminologies 5

    10. Symbols

    11. Atmosphere & Dynamic Pressure

    12. Effects of Temperature & Density

    13. Relative Density, MEA

    14. Types & Relation between Airspeeds : IAS CAS

    15. V Speeds & Mach Number

    16. Principle of Continuity

    17. Bernoulli's Theorem

    18. Streamline & Stream Tube

    19. Questions 1 to 18

    20. Questions 19 to 26

    21. Questions 27 to 33

    22. Questions 34 to 40

    23. Questions 41 to 48

    24. Questions 49 to 57

    1. All lessons here onward are Part of Full Course

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About this course

  • Free
  • 60 lessons

A message for aspiring pilots :

"Taste of the sky ain't easy, but I promise you that it's worth it"

Getting to the place where I am at right now in my aviation career wasn't easy. I've not only seen but experienced the ups and downs of the industry. From airline closures to fuel prices spike ups. From jobless pilots to flight cancellations due to shortage of pilots. I've seen and experienced it all. It has affected and benefited me at different stages of life. It sometimes seems like now is not the time, or sometimes feels like only if I'd have started back then. What makes a successful pilot is shear persistence and efforts in the right direction. As you're choosing this career for yourself, just keep on doing your part. Focus on the right knowledge, skills & experience. Most certainly, your efforts will pay off. There for you, - Capt. Neha Thakare
Capt. Neha Thakare teaching aspiring pilots dgca subject technical general at CNTAA the pilot ground school. CNTAA is the number 1 online on demand ground class for DGCA Exams. India's number 1 ground class for DGCA Exams. subjects technical general, air navigation aviation Meteorology air regulations. DGCA Exams made easy. how to clear DGCA Exams in first attempt? navigation notes, meteorology cpl notes, cpl ground class for pilots