Course curriculum

    1. 1. Introduction

    2. 2. Shape of the Earth

    3. 3. Compression Ratio

    4. 4. Great Circle

    5. 5. Rhumb Line

    6. 6. Describing Position on Earth’s Surface

    7. 7. Graticule : Latitudes, Longitudes

    8. 8. Latitude / Parallels

    9. 9. Longitude / Meridian

    10. 10. Meridians and Anti-Meridians

    11. 11. Calculate final latitude

    12. 12. DLat

    13. 13. Distances w.r.t. DLong/DLat

    14. 14. Question No. 1 to 4

    15. 15. Question No. 5 to 8

    16. 16. Question No. 9 to 12

    17. 17. Question No. 13 to 16

    18. 18. Question No. 17 to 20

    1. 1. Definition

    2. 2. Calculation of DLong

    3. 3. Calculation of Final Position

    4. 4. Examples

    5. 5. Question No. 1 to 4

    6. 6. Question No. 5 to 8

    7. 7. Question No. 9 to 12

    8. 8. Question No. 13 to 16

    9. 9. Question No. 17 to 20

    10. 10. Question No. 21 to 22

    11. 11. Question No. 23 to 24

    12. 12. Question No. 25 to 28

    13. 13. Question No. 29 to 30

    14. 14. Question No. 31 to 33

    15. 15. Question No. 34 to 35

    16. 16. Question No. 36 to 40

    1. Earth & Departure

    1. 1. Introduction

    2. 2. True Direction

    3. 3. Magnetic Direction

    4. 4. Variation

    5. 5. Magnetic Dip

    6. 6. Compass Direction

    7. 7. Deviation

    8. 8. Question No. 1 Sum (1 - 11)

    9. 9. Question No. 2 Sum (01 - 07)

    10. 10. Question No. 3 (Sum 1 to 5)

    1. 1. Introduction

    2. 2. Heading

    3. 3. Track or track made good

    4. 4. Drift angle or wind correction angle (WCA)

    5. 5. Starboard

    6. 6. Port-board Drift

    7. 7. Course and track error

    8. 8. Port-board track error or left track error

    9. 9. Starboard track error

    10. 10. Sums Part 1

    11. 11. Sums Part 2

    12. 12. Question No. 1 to 4

    13. 13. Question No. 5 to 8

    14. 14. Question No. 9 to 10

    15. 15. Question No. 10 to 13

    16. 16. Question No. 14 to 15

    17. 17. Question No. 16 to 18

    18. 18. Question No. 19 to 21

    19. 19. Question No. 25 to 28

    20. 20. Concept of Wind Triangle when wind at 90 degree track and wind at 90 deagress to heading.

    21. 21. Wind Triangle QnA (Q22 to Q25)

    1. Additional Quiz - Direction & Wind Triangle

About this course

  • ₹49,900.00
  • 635 lessons