Inclusions in Demo Course Curriculum
CNTAA Full Course (Air Navigation - CPL) includes COMPLETE DGCA Syllabus : Updated Regularly in relevance with DGCA Exams.
Scientific Calculator
CX3 Calculator
1. Introduction
2. True Direction
3. Magnetic Direction
4. Variation
5. Magnetic Dip
6. Compass Direction
7. Deviation
8. Questions 1
9. Questions-2
10. Questions-3
1. Introduction
2. Heading
3. Track or track made good
4. Drift angle or wind correction angle (WCA)
5. Starboard
6. Port-board Drift
7. Course and track error
8. Portboard track error or left track error
9. Starboard track error
10. Questions- 1
11. Questions- 2
12. Questions 1 to 4
13. Questions 5 to 8
14. Questions 9
15. Questions 10 to 13
16. Questions 14 and !5
Air Navigation - CPL (Demo)
- Free
- 30 lessons
Air Navigation - CPL
Meteorology - CPL
DGCA Exam Syllabus : Air Navigation - CPL
Included in Full Course : AIR NAVIGATION - CPL
General Navigation :
Basics of Navigation
- Seasonal and Apparent movements of the SUN 🌞
- Great Circle
- Small Circle
- Rhumb Line
- Convergency and Conversion Angle
- What is LATITUDE?
- How to calculate Difference in latitude? (D LAT)
- What is LONGITUDE?
- How to calculate difference in longitude? (D LONG)
- Use of latitude and longitude co-ordinates to locate any specific position on the earth.
- Apparent Time
- Universal Time Coordinated : UTC
- Local Mean Time LMT
- Standard Time
- International Date Line
- Earth Magnetism
- Magnetic Deviation
- Compass Variations
- Magnetic Poles
- Isogonals : Lines of equal magnetic variations
- Introduction to True Directions and Magnetic Directions
- Units of measuring Distance and Height (Vertical Distance in Aviation such as altitude)
- Nautical Miles
- Statute Miles
- Kilometers
- Metres
- Yards
- Feet
- Conversion of Units
- Relationship between Nautical Miles and Minutes of latitude.
Magnetism and Compass 🧲 🧭
General Principles of Magnetism
- Earth Magnetism / Terrestrial Magnetism
- Earth's Magnetic Force
- Concept of MAGNETIC DIP : Vertical and Horizontal Component of Magnetic Force
- Directive force (What moves the compass needle)
- Magnetic Variation
Aircraft Magnetism
- Hard Iron and Soft Iron
- Resulting Magnetic Fields
- Magnetic Deviation
- Errors ⚠️ of Magnetic Compass
- Acceleration Error
- Turning Error
- Resultant of the error and compensations
- Serviceability and Tests performed on a Magnetic Compass
- Remote Indicating Compass
- Direct Reading Magnetic Compass
Maps and Charts 🗺️📍
Types of Projections
- Mercator
- Lambert Conformal Conical
- Polar Stereographic
- Transverse Mercator
- Oblique Mercator
Meridians | Parallels | Great Circles | Rhumb Lines on different Charts
- Direct Mercator
- Lambert Conformal Conical
- Polar Stereographic
Use of Current Aeronautical Charts
- Plotting Postions
- Plotting Bearings
- Measuring Distances on Charts
- Scale Factor
Dead Reckoning Navigation
Basics of Dead Reckoning DR
- WHY Pilots NEED to know DR (Dead Reckoning)
- Track
- Heading (Compass, Magnetic, True, Grid)
- Wind Direction and Wind Velocity
- Types of Airspeed
- IAS : Indicated Airspeed
- CAS : Calibrated Airspeed
- TAS : True Airspeed
- Mach Number
- Ground Speed
- Drift and Wind Correction Angle
- Dead Reckoning Position Fix
Usage of Navigational Computer CX - 2 / CX - 3
- Speed
- Time
- Distance
- Fuel Consumption
- Conversions of Units
- Heading
- Ground Speed Calculations
- Wind Velocity and Wind Direction
- Track and Drift Angle 📐
- Time Distance Problems to Solve
Determination of DR Position
- Confirmation of flight progress (mental DR)
- Lost procedures
- Heading and TAS vector since last confirmed position
- Application of wind velocity vector
- Last known track and ground speed vector
- Assessment of accuracy of DR position
Measurement of DR Elements
- Calculation of altitude, adjustments, corrections, errors
- Determination of Temperature
- Determination of appropriate Speed
- Determination of Mach Number
Resolution of current DR problems by means of...
- Mercator charts
- Lambert Charts
- Polar Stereographic Projections
- Measurement of Maximum Range
- Radius of Action
- Point of Safe Return PSR & Point of Equal Time (CP PNR Air Navigation)
- Miscellaneous DR uncertainties and practical - means of correction
In-Flight Navigation
- Average airspeed
- Average wind velocity
- Ground speed / Distance covered during Climb or Descent
Navigation in Cruise Flight, use of fixes to revise navigation data
- Ground speed revision
- Off-track corrections
- Calculation of wind speed and direction
- ETA revisions
- Flight log (including navigation records)
Introduction to Mass and Balance
- Centre of gravity (CG) : Definition, importance in regard to aircraft stability (Aeroplane)
- Mass and balance
- Aeroplane Flight Manual (AFM) : CG LIMITS for Take - off, Landing and Cruise configurations
- Maximum floor load
- Maximum ramp and taxi mass (Aeroplane)
- Factors determining maximum permissible mass :
a. Structural Limitations
b. Performance Limitations such as runway available for take-off and landing, weather conditions (temperature, pressure, wind, precipitation): Rate-of-Climb and altitude requirements for Obstacle Clearance, Engine-out Performance Requirements
- Factors determining CG limits :
a. Aircraft stability
b. Ability of flight controls and surfaces to overcome mass and lift pitching moments under all flight conditions,
c. Changes in CG location during flight due to consumption of fuel, raising and lowering of undercarriage, and intentional relocation of passengers or cargo, transfer of fuel, movement of centre of lift because of changes in position of wing flaps
Loading | What is load and Trim?
- Empty Mass
- Dry Operating Mass / Dry Operating Weight
- Zero Fuel Mass
- Standard Mass
- Effects of Overloading
Centre of Gravity (C.G.)
Centre of Gravity (cg)
- Basic of CG calculations (load and balance documentation)
- Datum
- Moment Arm
- Moment
- Mean Aerodynamic Chord (% MAC)
- Effect of load-shift
- Movement of CG. Possible out of limits
- Possible damage due to inertia of a moving load
- Effect of Acceleration of the Aircraft Load
Aircraft Performance :
Performance of Single Engine Aeroplanes
Performance of Single-Engine Aeroplanes
- Definitions of terms and speeds used
- Take-off and landing performance
- Effect of aeroplane mass, wind, density, altitude, runway slope, runway conditions
- Use of aeroplane flight manual data
- Effect of density altitude and aeroplane mass
- Endurance and the effects of the different recommended power settings
- Still Air Range (SAR)
Performance of Multi - Engine Aeroplanes
Performance of Multi-Engine Aeroplanes
- definitions of terms and speeds used
- any new terms used for multi-engine aeroplane performance
- Importance of performance calculations
- determination of performance under normal conditions
- consideration of effects of pressure altitude, temperature,
- wind, aeroplane mass, runway slope, and runway conditions
- Elements of performance
- take-off and landing distances
- obstacle clearance at take-off
- rate of climb and descent
- effects of selected power settings, speeds, andaircraft configuration
- Cruise altitudes and altitude ceiling - en-route requirements
- Payload/range trade-offs
- Speed/economy trade-offs
- Use of performance graphs and tabulated data
- performance section of flight manual
Flight Planning and Monitoring
Navigation Plan / Navlogs for Cross Country Flights
Flight Plans for Cross Country Flights
- Navigation Plan
-selection of routes, speeds, heights (altitudes) and alternateairfield/landing sites
- terrain and obstacle clearance
- cruising levels appropriate for direction of flight
- navigation check points, visual or radio
- measurement of tracks and distances
- obtaining wind velocity forecast for each leg
-computations of headings, ground speeds, and time en-route
- from tracks, true airspeed and wind velocities
-completion of pre-flight portion of navigation flight log
Fuel Plan
- computation of planned fuel usage for each leg and total fuel usage for the flight
- flight manual figures for fuel flow during climb, en- route and during descent
-navigation plan for times en-route
- fuel for holding and diversion to alternate airfield
- total fuel requirements for flight
- completion of pre-flight portion of fuel log
Flight monitoring and in-flight re-planning
- in-flight fuel computations
- recording of fuel quantities remaining at navigational checkpoints
- calculation of actual consumption rate
-comparison of actual and planned fuel consumptionand fuel state
- Revision of fuel reserve estimates
- in-flight re-planning in case of problems
-selection of cruise altitude and power settings for newdestination
- time to new destination
- fuel state, fuel requirements, fuel reserves
- Radio communication and navigation aids
- communication frequencies and call signs for appropriate control agencies and in-flight service facilities such as weather stations
- radio navigation and approach aids, if appropriate
- type
- frequencies
- identification
ICAO ATC Flight Plan
ICAO ATC Flight Plan
- types of flight plan
- ICAO flight plan – format
- completing the flight plan
- Filling the flight plan
- procedures for filing
- agency responsible for processing the flight plan
- Adherence to flight plan
Practical Flight Planning
Practical Flight Planning
- Chart preparation
- Plot tracks and measure directions and distances
-Navigation plans
- Completing the navigation plan using:
- tracks and distances from prepared charts
- wind velocities as provided
- true airspeeds as appropriate
- Simple fuel plans
- Preparation of fuel logs showing planned values for:
-fuel used on each leg
- fuel remaining at the end of each leg
- endurance, based on fuel remaining and
planned consumption rate, at end of each leg
- Radio planning practice - Communications
- frequencies and call signs of air traffic control agencies and facilities and for in-flight services such as weather information
Practical Completion of 'Flight Plan' (Nav Log, Flight Log, ATC Plan etc.)
Practical Completion of a ‘Flight Plan’ (flight plan, flight log, nav log ATC plan, etc.)
-Extraction of data- extraction of navigational data
- extraction of meteorological data
- extraction of performance data
- completion of navigation flight plan
- completion of fuel plan
- time and fuel to top-of-climb
- cruise sector times and fuel used
- total time and fuel required to destination
- fuel required for missed approach, climb en-route altitude, and cruise alternate
- reserve fuel
- Completion of air traffic flight plan
Radio Navigation | Radio Aids :
Radio Aids
Radio Aids
- Ground D/F (including classification of bearings)
- principles
- presentation and interpretation
- coverage
- range
- errors and accuracy
- factors affecting range and accuracy
- ADF (including associated beacons and use of the radio magnetic indicator)
- principles
- presentation and interpretation
- coverage
- range
- errors and accuracy
- factors affecting range and accuracy
- VOR and Doppler – VOR (including the use of the radio magnetic indicator)
- principles
- presentation and interpretation
-errors and accuracy
-factors affecting range and accuracy
- DME (distance measuring equipment)
- principles
- presentation and interpretation
- coverage
- range
- errors and accuracy
- factors affecting range and accuracy
- ILS (Instrument Landing System)
- principles
- presentation and interpretation
- coverage
- range
- errors and accuracy
- factors affecting range and accuracy
Basic RADAR Principles
Basic Radar Principles
- SSR secondary surveillance radar and transponder
- principles
- presentation and interpretation
- modes and codes, including mode S
Self Contained and External Referenced Navigation Systems
Self-contained and External-Referenced Navigation Systems
- Satellite assisted navigation: GPS / GLONASS
- principle of operation
- advantages and disadvantages
Flight Instruments :
Flight Instruments
-Air data instruments
- pitot and static system
- pitot tube, construction and principles of operation
- static source
- malfunction
- heating
- alternate static source
- Altimeter
- construction and principles of operation
- display and setting
- errors
- correction tables
- tolerances
- Airspeed indicator
- construction and principles of operation
- speed indications (IAS)
- meaning of coloured sectors
- maximum speed indicator, VMO, MMO pointer
- errors
- Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI)
- aneroid and instantaneous VSI (IVSI)
- construction and principles of operation
- displayGyroscopic Instruments
- Gyroscope Fundamentals
- Gyroscopic Forces : Stability & Precession)
- Types, and Principles of Operation:
- Vertical Gyro
- Directional Gyro
- Rate Gyro
- Rate Integrating Gyro
- Single Degree of Freedom Gyro
- Ring Laser Gyro
- Apparent Drift
- Random Drift
- Mountings
- Drive Types, Monitoring
- Directional Gyro
- Construction and Principles of Operation of a Gyroscope
- Slaved Gyro Compass
- Components of a Gyroscope
- Mounting and Modes of Operation
- Turn and Acceleration Errors
- Attitude Indicator : Vertical Gyro
- Construction and Principles of Operation
- Display Types
- Turn and Acceleration Errors
- Turn and bank indicator (Rate Gyro)
- Display Types
- Turn CoordinatorMagnetic Compass
- Construction and Principles of Operation
- Errors : Deviation, effect of Inclination.Radio Altimeter
- Components
- Frequency Band
- Principle of Operation
- Displays
- Errors-
Power Plant and System Monitoring Instruments
- Pressure Gauge
- Sensors
- Pressure Indicators
- Temperature Gauge
- Ram rise, recovery factor
- RPM Indicator
- Interfacing of signal pick-up to RPM gauge
- RPM indicators, piston and turbine engines
- Meaning of coloured sectors
- Consumption Gauge
- High pressure line fuel flowmeter (function, indications, failure warnings)
- Fuel Gauge
- Measurement of volume/mass, units
- Measuring sensors
- Content, quantity indicators
- Reasons for incorrect indications
-Torque Meter
- Indicators, units
- Meaning of coloured sectors
- Basics of Electronic Displays
- Basic radio propagation theory
- Basic principles
- Electromagnetic waves
- Wavelength
- Amplitude
- Phase Angle
- Frequency
- Frequency Bands
- Side Band
- Single Side Band
- Pulse characteristics
- Carrier, Modulation, Demodulation
- Kind of modulation (Amplitude, Frequency, Pulse, Multiplex)
- Oscillation Circuit
- Antennas
- Characteristics
- Polarisation
- Types of antennas
- Wave propagation
- Ground wave
- Space wave
- Propagation with the frequency bands
- Frequency prognosis (MUF)
- fading
- Factors affecting propagation : Reflection, Absorption, Interference, Twilight, Shoreline, Mountain, Static.